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Professional Development

W.W Irby Elementary Volunteer

Zita Segarra


As a future teacher, I had to take courses, such as Introduction to Education and Teaching Diverse Populations, in order to graduate Santa Fe with my Elementary Education AA degree. To complete the course requirements for Intro to Education and Teaching Diverse Populations, I had to complete two semesters of volunteer work at an elementary school of my choice. For my field work experience I chose to volunteer for W.W. Irby Elementary School.


In W.W. Irby Elementary, my supervising teacher was Michelle Isgut. Isgut had recently graduated of University of Florida when she was hired to work as a 2nd grade teacher. While in her colorful-looking classroom, I had the opportunity to interact and teach 2nd grade students.


I used to help 2nd grade students read, write, and answer questions about new lessons. Ultimately, I would reinforce Isgut’s lessons in class. As I helped students, I realized two things. First, I realized had a lot of teaching techniques to learn before I could effectively teach students. Second, I realized I absolutely enjoyed teaching and interacting with 2nd grade students. 


Even when students were misbehaving and distracted, Isgut taught her class with such patience and positive energy. I believe her interactive teaching method made students participate and enjoy new lessons. For example, students repeated new vocabulary in baby and squeaky voices. Additionally, Isgut read with students in small groups to reinforce their reading skills.


 After observing Ms. Isgut’s teaching techniques, I knew I had to apply to UF. Isgut encouraged me to apply and even gave me some advice for the future. She informed me that teaching was a stressful job and as a starting teacher I will go through a lot of emotional and financial investment. Also, she told me to always have fun, interactive, and visual lesson plans.


Overall, the 2nd grade class and Isgut taught me how to communicate with young students and how to further develop my love for teaching children.

Florida Theatre Conference

Caroline Jaeger

In 2014 I had the opportunity of attending the Florida Theater Conference at Santa Fe. Florida Theater Conference is not only an opportunity to audition for other schools and theater companies, but a chance to attend master classes put on by working actors, singers, dancers, improv professionals, casting directors, and people who have had professional experience in show business.


I attended two master classes while there. The first was put on by University of Florida’s Theater Strike Force. This master class taught me and other theater students how to effectively use improv. One of the things I remembered most about the class was that in improve you can never say “No”. You have to always say yes and see where the scene goes. We played a variety of games and exercises to get our feet wet into the improve realm. Afterwards I attended a seminar called “Booking the Job; it’s what we do”. This was put on by Jim Coleman, a commercial and television actor who has portrayed in 60+ nationwide commercials as well as TV shows, video games, and movies. Some recognizable work he has done was as a cop in the Walking Dead and he was featured in Dolphin Tale 2.

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